Saturday, February 3, 2024

Pinstar's Apocalypse (as revised by me) - updated 4/17/09

The Apocalypse Challenge (revised)

It's the super bowl and all across the region, people are watching. The whistle blows for half time and every sim in the city goes to use the toilet. Every single toilet in the region is flushed at the same time. The resulting drop in water pressure causes the three nuclear power plants in the area to go critical and melt down, devastating the region. Thankfully the founder is off at college when this happens…but when they return to start their family, they find a very different world they must survive in…

A. Base rules

The following is a set of harsh restrictions the family must obey. Each set of restrictions is tied to a specific career field. When a sim reaches level 10 in that career field, that restriction is lifted. A single sim may only lift one restriction in their lifetime.

1. To lift all 26 of the main Sim restrictions, it will take 26 different Sims. (The Hopelessness and Alien Technology restrictions don't count toward the 1-restriction-per-sim limit)

2. Each animal may only lift or suppress one pet restriction.

3. Only Sims part of the bloodline (all children of heirs) and the spouses to heirs can unlock restrictions. Adopted Sims, children of non-heirs and servos cannot lift any restrictions.

4. The founder starts as a young-adult in college. None of the Apocalypse restrictions apply to the founder in college, as the disaster has not happened yet.

5. College has a strict no-pets rule. You may not create any pets when creating the founder. Neither the founder, nor any Sims attending college afterwards may bring any animals to college or purchase/adopt them while there.

6. The founder may bring up to 3 items back from college that were purchased with the founder's own money. If the founder graduates, one of these three items MUST be their diploma.

7. The founder may not start an off-campus business.

8. The founder must leave college after 9 semesters. If the founder goes on academic probation, those extra semesters count against the 9 you are allowed.

If the founder graduates on time (8 semesters), they may stay for the full post-graduation period. (The 9th semester). If the founder goes on academic probation once, but still graduates, they must return to the neighborhood immediately after graduation. The founder does not need to graduate.

9. The family lot must be on a desert or dirt tile set.

10. When your founder returns to the neighborhood, move them into an empty 5x5 lot. Cannot move into an apartment.

11. If your founder joined the secret society, you may move them into a Secret Society safe house. These are pre-built houses that have depreciated a bit, so they cost less than building the same structure from scratch. There are three safe houses to choose from. You can download the (Bomb Shelter) the (Shotgun Shack) or the (Witch's Hut). You may still opt to start on a blank lot if you want to.

12. If an object has no value, (such as used up aspiration rewards), you may delete it, regardless of existing restrictions.

13. There must be no trees or shrubs on the lot when you place it.

14. You may use the "level lot" tool before moving into your blank lot or safe house.

15. No Sim in the household may sleep outdoors.

16. After the founder has returned, any future Sims sent to college may not move into a dorm, and must move into an empty lot (any size). Young Adult Sims that come after the founder must obey any restrictions that have not yet been lifted.

17. Neither the founder, nor any Sims that come after may found or join Greek houses.

18. Only Townies and NPCs may join the family

19. The ONLY Sims that may be moved into the Legacy family are Sims that will directly contribute to the birth of the next generation. (In other words, a parent of the next heir).

20. If you wish to keep score, count the number of days your family is in existence once the founder returns from college. I find the easiest way is to write a tic mark down once per sim week.

21. Cheats, mods or hacked objects that would give you an unfair advantage over a player who didn't have or use them may not be used.

Exceptions to this include any mods or hacks that might make the challenge more difficult, such as ACR or hacks that cause zombies to attack, turning your Sims into zombies similar to how they become vampires. Also, you may use the 'Money Order' mod (see the Life of Crime restriction).

22. To win the challenge, you must lift all 27 Sim restrictions and all 3 Pet restrictions. The "Alien Technology" restriction does not need to be lifted to complete the challenge

23. I have created a subset of rules to offset some of the perks supplied with later expansion packs, namely BV, FT & AL.

a. Founder in college

(1) Hands Off! You must play all of college for the founder without being able to direct any actions, with a couple of exceptions.

This only applies to your founder in college. Any later generation Sims who manage to go to college do not have to adhere to the Hands Off rule.

(a) You may direct your founder (one time only) to choose a major, either on the computer or on the phone.

(b) You may direct your founder (one time only) to choose a dorm room.

(c) Each semester, you may direct your Sim to build any skills needed for maximum grade points. Once they achieve the skills needed you must stop them from skill building on that skill any further. Any skill building your Sim does autonomously is allowed for as long as they want to do the activity.

(d) You may buy or sell anything your Sim can afford to try to get them to build skills or get aspiration points.

(e) You may direct your founder, just once per semester, to 'Go to community lot...' of your choice. Once there, you again may not direct your founder AT ALL until it's time to leave when you may direct your founder to go home (do this whenever you want). You may not have your founder go to another community lot until the following semester.

Note: AL included changes to how NPCs behave at community lots that make this rule reasonable. I do not recommend playing this way without AL installed.

(f) You may NOT direct your founder to go on vacation.

b. All Sims

(1) Job aspiration. Any Sim in the family whose LTW is career-related must keep trying to get that career unless/until:

(a) it's a career track for which the restriction has already been lifted

(b) someone else in the family is currently in that career track (and doesn't lose their job)

(c) the Sim has already achieved permanent platinum aspiration through the Lifetime Aspiration meter

B. Hopelessness….

"It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness."

The physical effects of the nuclear winter are clear, but it is only half of the devastation. The damage to the population's mindset and willpower has also been great. People are starting to give up hope and despair has begun to set in. People have no motivation to band together or leave the shelters they have made

1. Restrictions

a. You cannot move in or marry in any Sims or pets.

2. Once your founder reaches the top of a career (ANY of the 26 careers, it doesn't matter which) they show the region that the worst is over, and that things can and will begin to get better. A few Sims are even willing to risk traveling the streets to be with the regions new and only ray of hope.

a. You may move-in/marry spouses for your founder and future heirs.

b. You may adopt/move-in pets

See Business, Law Enforcement & Military for additional restrictions related to moving in pets.

c. You are still restricted to moving in only those Sims who will contribute to the next generation.

C. Business

"Your money is no good here"

The chaos in the region set off by the power plant explosions has broken down the basic economic fabric of society. The value of a Simolean varies wildly from place to place. All major markets have destroyed or looted dry. With the economy of the region in shambles, people are unwilling to 'go shopping'. The only thing that sells well are stories from survivors, as media outside the region is hungry to know what happened and what it is like to live in such a land.

1. Restrictions

a. Your Sims may not start their own business or purchase community lots.

b. You may not sell items via the buy or build tab. (You may still sell build mode items, such as walls and stairs)

See Architect & Politics for additional restrictions related to build mode

c. Your Sims may not use the "sell" interaction with objects (such as completed paintings)

See Artist

d. Due to broken supply chains, Sims cannot use any crafting benches (this does not include sewing machine, pottery wheel or cauldrons).

Note: I took out the bit about items crafted in college since my modifications have made crafting items in college impossible.

See Life of Crime for additional restrictions related to crafting

See Nat. Sci. regarding flower arranging

See Science regarding robots

e. Your Sims are allowed to write novels and collect the royalties.

f. Your Sims may not hire service Sims of any kind.

See Intelligence

g. Only Sims currently working in the business career field may use the Execuputter.

See Adventure

h. You may not buy pets from pet stores (player run or community) or other Sims.

i. Sims may not sell fresh food grown on the lot.

See Natural Science

j. Sims cannot buy clothes on a downtown lot. Must make their own.

See Show Business & Life of Crime

k. Witches cannot sell potions or reagents

l. Sims cannot select fortune perks.

2. Once an economic leader from the family rebuilds the economic structure of the region, the business restrictions are lifted. In addition, the "Open/Closed" sign may be purchased and used from the 'wall hanging' category. The old style-cash register may be purchased from the electronics tab, even if these items are still restricted otherwise.

D. Law Enforcement

"Go ahead and call for help, nobody will listen."

The local police and fire departments are in shambles and unable to do their job. A strong air of anarchy and lawlessness has swept the region. Violent gangs of anarchists prey on the old and weak.

1. Restrictions

a. Your Sims may not purchase smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, burglar alarms or car alarms.

b. Your Sims may not use the "emergency" tab on the phones.

c. Teenage and Elder Sims that have less than a 10 body may not leave the lot for any reason, including going to work or community lots. The ONLY exception to this rule is that teenage Sims can go to High School without penalty.

See Education for additional restrictions related to teens going to high school

d. Your Sims may not call the police to look for runaway teens.

e. Your Sims may not call to report a lost pet

f. Only Sims in the Law enforcement career field may use the fingerprint scanner.

See Adventure

g. Sims cannot select Family perks

2. Once a brave hero from the family emerges, they can clean up the streets and restore order, allowing police and fire fighters to once again help people. The Law Enforcement restrictions are lifted. The smoke detector and burglar alarm may be purchased and used, even if the Science restriction has not been lifted.

See Law

E. Medical

"It's the dark ages once again."

The plumbing has been severely damaged in the region. Water brought to the house is dirty and unsanitary. To make things worse, local drug stores have been cleaned out by looters.

1. Restrictions:

a. Showers and bathtubs of all types may not be purchased or used at home or on a community lot.

b. Dish washers (both types) may not be purchased or used.

See Science

c. Sims may not use medicine to become well.

d. Whenever Sims woohoo, they MUST choose "Try for baby" If 'try for baby' is not an option, they may not woohoo. (Unless the sim is already pregnant, too old to get pregnant or the two Sims woohooing are the same gender).

e. You may not purchase or use the changing table

f. Sims may not purchase Vamprocillin-D.

Witches living in the household may make it for members of the household.

g. Only Sims currently employed in the medical career may use the surgical dummy

See Adventure

h. You may not give dogs a bath

i. You may not purchase or use the litter box.

j. Sims cannot select Needs perks

2. Once a leader in the medical field emerges from the family, they lead the Red Cross restoration effort. This restores clean running water to the region and brings supplies of medicine, contraceptives and to the people who need it. The medical restrictions are lifted.

F. Culinary

"Hunger is the best spice"

The gas lines and power grid have been severely damaged. Running a gas stove or electric appliance carries too much of a risk. The radiation levels are too high to risk using a microwave either. Food is scarce. The quality of the food the Sims can get is very poor and can bring illness to some. Coffee is now scarce in the region due to supply cuts. Fresh food is non-existent.

1. Restrictions:

a. Sims may not purchase or use anything from the "Ovens" or "Small appliances" category except for the cheapest grill.

b. You may only prepare food once per Sim day. Once any Sim has prepared food, no other may do so for the rest of the day. A Sim making a one-serving meal counts. (An easy way to keep track of this restriction is to turn the fridge backwards after a Sim has taken food from it, and keeping it that way until midnight)

c. Sims pulling out baby bottles does NOT count against this limit and may be done as many times per day as needed.

d. Sims may not prepare food on community lots

e. Sims may not eat at restaurants on community lots

f. You may not use the "Delivery" menu on the phone to order Pizza or Chinese food.

g. Sims may not purchase prepared food from community lots (such as pre-made cakes from a bakery)

h. Sims may not hold food in inventory.

i. Sims may not flag any food item as 'for sale' with the wholesale tool.

j. Sims may not purchase or use birthday cakes, wedding cakes, the bakery display case or any catering buffet tables.

k. Sims may not eat gelatin

l. Only Sims in the culinary career track can make use of the Chocolate maker

See Adventure

m. Sims cannot choose Grilled Cheese perks

n. Filling any pet food bowl, the womrat cage or bird cages counts against the family's "one meal per day" limit.

o. Sims may not "give treat" to pets.

p. Sims may not purchase or use the Juicer.

q. Sims may not stock fresh food in the fridge

r. You may grill fish, even with the culinary restriction in place.

See Oceanography

s. You may NOT store fresh food in the fridge until the restriction is lifted.

See Natural Science & Oceanography

t. You may NOT put cooked food away as leftovers until the restriction is lifted.

2. Once a culinary master emerges from the household, they invent new ways to preserve food, and better ways to cook the artificial food. They have learned to rewire home appliances so they can be used again. They also open up supply chains to coffee growers. All culinary restrictions are lifted.

G. Life of Crime

"Nice place you have. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to it."

The local organized crime family has taken advantage of the lawlessness in the region to set up a protection racket. Joey "The Comb" and his goons force people to pay hefty sums to ensure nothing 'bad' happens to what few possessions they have left. While some try to fight the mob, most just give in and pay.

1. Restrictions:

a. Only members currently in the life of crime career may use the Lie Finder object.

See Adventure

b. Because the mob controls the remaining production centers, they don't take kindly to the family having too many crafted items. You may have only 1 of each type of crafted item (from the toy workbench, robot bench, flower bench, pottery wheel, sewing machine, and cauldrons) on the lot or inventory at a time.

See Business

c. You must pay protection to Joey "The Comb" using one of the four methods listed below

(1) Method I

(a) Once per week, by midnight your Sims must sell off all replaceable items on their lot and in their inventory, and replace them with the exact same item. The "Protection Money" is the loss of depreciation. You must do this weekly, starting 7 days after you begin the lot. You do not have to do this on the first day

(b) A "Replaceable item" is any item that can be purchased in the buy menu that does not appreciate in value (such as the junker car and the Dreamcatcher)

(c) If you do not have enough money to replace all of your items, you must buy back as many as you can. You must pay protection on items, even if you can't use them yet.

(d) You do not have to replace any items that are worth $100 retail ($40 fully depreciated) or less, as the mob doesn't care about small stuff like that.

(2) Method II

If you find the replacing of items on the lot for the Life of Crime restriction annoying, you may follow this alternative method.

(a) On a piece of paper, keep a running total of the retail (not fully depreciated) value of all replaceable objects in the house.

(b) Objects under $100, refrigerators and objects that have been in sim's inventory or marked 'for sale' for the entire week does not need to be included in this total.

(c) Once per week, pay 60% of this total using the family funds cheat.

(d) Sell and re-buy your fridge as normal (to replenish the food)

(e) If you do not have enough funds to pay the entire bill, you must use method #1

(f) When you add new buy-mode objects over $100 to the lot, add their retail value to your total.

(g) Right after you pay protection, you may throw objects into inventory or mark them for-sale. (Provided you can lift them and have room). Subtract the value of any objects over $100 from your running total if you stash them in inventory or mark them for sale.

(h) Objects put into inventory or marked for sale mid-week still need to have protection paid on them for that week.

(i) If you bring objects out of inventory or remove their 'for sale' status mid-week, you must pay protection on them at the end of the week.

(j) If the Paranormal restriction is unlocked, you do not have to factor the value of beds.

(3) Method III

If you hate the other two methods and are comfortable using a mod, you may use the Money Order mod to give 60% of the total retail value of all replaceable objects on the lot to another Sim in the neighborhood, designated as Joey "The Comb".

(4) Method IV

The harshest option (credit goes to Jendra)

(a) Once per week, use the FamilyFunds cheat to reduce your household funds to $100. Another option, if you don't like to use the cheat, is to buy items from the catalog and then immediately, deliberately, set them on fire (the Fire Jet works well for this).

(b) You may still sell and buy back the fridge in order to restock the food. Be sure to do this BEFORE reducing your funds.

d. Paying protection at college

(1) For Sims at college (other than the founder) they must pay a flat $600 per semester, right after they receive their grade and tuition grant. This amount paid is independent of how much the family has to pay each week and does not change how much the family has to pay once the Sim returns from college. The $600 is per Sim. Keep that in mind if you have more than one Sim going to college at the same time.

Either use Family Funds cheat, the money-order mod, or you can buy and burn $600 worth of goods.

(2) Alternatively, you can still use Method I if you like.

2. Once a member of the family rises to the top of the underworld, they become part of the 'family'. While they do not get a cut of the profits, they no longer have to pay any protection money.

H. Military

"The government advises all citizens to lock their doors and remain indoors."

The mobs of radiated zombies wandering the streets make it unsafe to travel anywhere but a select few highways. Neighborhoods are scattered as nobody is willing to risk traveling just to visit with friends. The roads to and from local colleges are blocked. Your founder just barely made it back to the neighborhood.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may not travel to any community lots.

See Law Enforcement

b. Sims may not Walk to Work

c. You may not invite over any Sims… with two exceptions….

(1) A Sim may invite over another sim they are have a red heart with, or are engaged to. (True love knows no fear).

(2) If your Sim owns a car (and has it placed on a driveway on the lot), you may also invite over Sims your sim is best friends with. (Your sim spins by and picks their buddies up)

d. These restrictions also apply to parties, outings and dates if they are available.

See Show Business

e. You may still hail and socialize with walk-bys as normal.

f. Sims may not be sent off to college.

See Education

g. Teenage Sims may not "ask permission to go out" or "sneak out"

See Law Enforcement

h. Sims may not "Find own place" or otherwise move out of the house.

i. Only Sims currently in the military can use the Obstacle course object.

See Adventure

j. Sims cannot go for a hike or jog

See Law Enforcement

2. Once a brave general from the family leads the local National Guard in a strike force against the zombie hordes, the streets will become safe to travel again and the military restriction is lifted.

I. Athletic

"Only the strong survive"

The radiation in the air weakens muscles and bones. As a result, muscle degeneration has set in. Even simple physical tasks have become impossible.

1. Restrictions:

a. Any item that takes up more than one square may not be moved or placed back into inventory once placed on the lot, with one exception.

(1) Items received as date or outing rewards may be placed into inventory or moved one time, even if they are larger than 1 square.

b. Nothing from the Gym equipment tab may not be purchased or used.

c. The ballet barre may not be purchased or used.

See Dance

d. Sims may not perform the "Leap in arms" interaction.

e. The punching bag may only be used by Sims currently in the athletic career

See Adventure

f. Sims may carry no more than 3 items in their inventory

g. Earned, but not placed, career reward objects do not count against this inventory limit

h. Sims may not "restock" items, or delete out-of-stock items larger than one square.

i. Sims may not sell buy-mode objects that are larger than 1 square. (You may still move and delete build-mode objects, regardless of size)

See Architecture

j. Sims may jump rope.

2. Once a sim joins the hall of fame from the "Mutant League Football" arena, they invent new training techniques to overcome the muscle degeneration set in by the disaster. All Athletic restrictions are lifted.

J. Slacker

"White hot iron, red hot iron, cold black iron. An Iron taste and iron smell, and everywhere an iron sound." -Bleakhouse

With government regulators unable to enforce fair labor laws and the remaining businesses able to mistreat their workers who are desperate to keep their jobs, standards of employment have gone down the drain.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may not use vacation days.

b. If a sim misses a SINGLE day of work for any reason (including pregnancy) they must quit their job. (If a pregnant Sim is lucky enough to have 2 days off in a row and they time their 2nd and 3rd days of pregnancy on those, they can keep their job).

c. If a sim loses employment in a career for any reason (quitting or being fired) they may never take a job in that career again. This cross-applies to teenage, adult and elder careers. (For example, if a sim was fired or quit from the Science career as a teenager, they may never take a job in the Science career, even when they become an adult or elder)

d. Elders may not retire, they must quit if they wish to stop working.

See Law Enforcement and Security Animal

e. You may not ignore chance cards; you MUST select one of the two options

f. Only those in the slacker career may use the slacker career reward object.

See Adventure

g. All of the slacker rules apply to pet careers as well.

h. You may not call the garden club.

i. Sims cannot select career perks

2. Once a sim from the family becomes a professional party guest, they host a huge party and invite all the leaders of industry to attend. Little do they know that the federal labor enforcement agents have also been invited. Confronted by the federal agents, the labor leaders agree to follow the proper labor laws. The Slacker restrictions are lifted.

See Law

K. Science

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"-Arthur C Clark

Without the flawless power grid and advanced electronics companies of modern day, the high tech gizmos that were once relied upon have slipped out of the population's reach again. Technology has taken a step backwards.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may not purchase or use anything from the electronics category except for a single phone.

See Entertainment

b. The one computer you are allowed is the free gift from Mr. Humble and is nothing more than a typewriter. You may only use the computer to "write novel" or "Write Term Paper". (If Sims autonomously play games just cancel the action)

You do not need to sell and rebuy this computer for the Life of Crime restriction, but if it breaks you have to fix it or go without a computer until Science is lifted.

c. Personal electronics (cell phone, handheld game, MP3 player) may not be bought.

d. Sims may not purchase robots, including Servos. Servos may not be moved in or activated.

e. Sims may not purchase or use the "non-lethal" robot making bench.

f. Sims may not purchase or use anything from the "Lights" category.

g. Sims may not purchase or use the trash compactor, electric guitar or bass.

See Music and Artist for further restrictions on the music instruments

h. Only Sims in the science career track may use the biotech station.

See Adventure & Medical

i. You may not use the "spray" command on plants, trees and roaches; the spray needs to be reinvented.

See Nat. Sci.

j. You may not call the exterminator.

See Business & Intelligence

k. Sims cannot select knowledge perks

Note: Once lifted, Summon aliens can only be used if someone in the family has already been abducted.

l. Sims cannot buy a telescope

See Music

2. Once a great scientist emerges from the family, they can restore the knowledge of known technologies so they may be produced in the area again, as well as repairing the power grid enough to use these gizmos and gadgets in the house.

They also have a breakthrough in technology, inventing something that mirrors technology gained from the aliens. You may choose 1 type of aspiration reward object. Any sim may now buy and use that one type of aspiration reward, even if you haven't lifted the "Alien Technology" restriction. Only the sim that lifts the Science Restriction may invent one aspiration reward. Other Sims reaching the top of the science career will not invent additional aspiration rewards.

L. Politics

"Democracy is said to be the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried."

The political scene is a mess, more so than it normally is. Local officials are haggling over the how and when supplies are sent to the region, while the citizens suffer. Corruption is rampant and waste is constant. The mayor has restricted the supply of building materials in an effort "conserve" them. Harsh and unreasonable property laws have been enacted. What is left of the police force seems oddly motivated to enforce this building law in particular while turning a blind eye to the looting and anarchy.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims' houses may not occupy any larger than an 8x8 area, the rest of the lot must be unused.

b. You may not place any items outside of this 8x8 area, nor modify tiles outside of it.

c. The trash can, mailbox, sidewalk tiles, delivered newspapers and bills do not count for this restriction. They don't need to be in the 8x8 area.

d. The 8x8 area may be anywhere on the lot, but once designated may not be moved.-Items dropped off from dates and outings may remain outside the 8X8 area. If the items are moved, they must be placed in inventory or within the 8x8 area.

e. Sims may extend the house underground within the 8x8 area.

f. Sims may build upwards, as long as the higher floors do not hang outside the 8x8 area.

See Architecture

g. Sims may not perform influence actions.

h. Only Sims currently in the politics career may use the Teleprompter podium.

See Adventure

2. Once a great political leader emerges from the family, they take over the office of the Mayor. Political corruption is cleaned up. Building supplies from other parts of the country are shipped in and distributed to those who need it. The corrupt 'housing permit' laws are repealed. The prestige and notoriety gained by the family allows them to sway the actions others, who see everybody from the family as a leader. The Political restrictions are lifted.

See Law

M. Artist

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Albert Einstein

With survival on everybody's mind, the arts have virtually disappeared overnight. People are more worried about finding their next meal than they are attending a concert in the park or buying art.

1. Restricted:

a. No items from the "Wall hanging", "Sculpture" or "Rugs" tabs may be bought.

b. Earned hobby plaques may be hung on the walls

c. No items that build creativity may be bought or used except for the computer. (The Lie Finder and the Hydroponic planter may be used if they are unrestricted by life of crime and natural science respectively).

d. Only Sims currently in the artist career may use the Camera.

See Adventure

e. Sims cannot use the pottery wheel

2. Once a great artist is produced from the family, a wave of culture is set off and art and music return to people's minds. The Artist restrictions are lifted.

N. Paranormal

"One death is a tragedy. 1,000 deaths are a statistic. Stop bothering me before you become a statistic" -The Grim Reaper

With the death toll in the thousands, the grim reaper has been pulling long shifts. He is so tired of hearing pleas he has stopped bargaining for the dead. The whole region has become haunted with angry spirits.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may not plead with the Grim Reaper

b. Witches with the ability and necessary reagents may attempt to cast the Expello Mortis spell

See Athletic

c. A Sim's grave or urn may not be moved from the place it initially appears.

d. Graves and urns may not be sold, even if a sim has smashed them.

e. Graves and urns may not be placed into inventory.

f. Only Sims in the paranormal career may use the Resurrect-o-Nomitron.

See Adventure

g. Sims may not use the wishing well

h. Sims may not use the genie lamp.

The only exception to this is if the founder earned one while in college, in which case ONLY the founder may use the lamp for all three wishes.

2. Once a sim from the household heads up a cult, they begin to perform rituals to calm down the angry spirits. With the spirits of the dead calmed, the reaper can take a much needed vacation and is much more willing to bargain with Sims upon his return. The Paranormal restrictions are lifted. In addition, you do not have to sell and replace beds for the Life of Crime restriction, as the cult leader has convinced the mob that doing so will anger the spirits. Graves may moved to any spot on the lot, even if the political restriction has not been lifted. The special police of the mayor does not dare interrupt the cult's funeral rituals.

O. Natural Science

"Why do they call it nuclear winter? Because everything is dead. The snow you see is toxic ash."

Any and all plant life in the region is dead. Nothing grows anymore. Natural and organic food is non-existent. With no plants to hold the soil together, the whole region is plagued with dust storms that block out the sun and whip across the land.

1. Restricted:

a. You may not place any landscaping items (Flowers, bushes, trees)

b. You may not alter the ground color.

c. You may not buy or place any items from the "Plants" tab.

d. The Family house must be on a dirt or desert landscape.

e. Other than the founder, the colleges Sims attend must be on a desert or dirt tile set.

f. You may not plant the cow plant.

See Adventure

g. You may not use Hydroponic planter career reward object. (From the Slacker Career)

See Adventure

h. You may not purchase or use the wedding arch.

i. "Chef Salads" may not be cooked, ordered at restaurants or bought pre-made.

j. You may not order groceries for delivery via the phone or computer.

k. Any flowers received as date rewards must be placed into inventory or sold by midnight.

l. Sims may not buy or use the flower-arranging bench, nor any of the flowers it produces.

See Life of Crime and Business

m. Houses MUST be built on a foundation/deck and/or be built on pillars. (You may still have objects on the ground, but walls may not be placed on the ground level)

n. Sims may not join the garden club.

See Slacker

o. Sims may not use non-compost fertilizer or spray crops.

See Science

p. You may not plant fruit bearing trees or garden vegetables

q. You may not buy or place the composting bin

r. Sims cannot bug hunt, bird watch or use the ant farm

2. Once a brilliant natural scientist emerges from the family, they invent a plant serum that lets plants use toxic ash as fertilizer without making the plant itself toxic. With this serum in wide supply, the region begins to return to life. Food can actually be grown again and people can have lawns. With plants once again anchoring the soil, the raging dust storms cease and the sky can once again be seen. All natural science restrictions are lifted.

See Oceanography

P. Show Business

"It's the end of the world and you're wearing THAT?"

Sims don't care about personal appearance anymore. They would rather be fed and safe than pretty. Cosmetics, hair care supplies, and clothing stores have all been cleaned out by looters or destroyed. Nobody wants to spend any money to bring these items back to the region. As a result, Sims's appearances have taken a turn for the worst, leading most to keep to themselves. Large gatherings, socials, brunches and parties have virtually disappeared. The social elite of the region have long since fled for greener pastures.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may only use the "Practice Speech" or "Practice Romance" interactions on mirrors

b. Sims may not purchase or use anything from the "Wardrobe" tab.

c. Sims may not purchase perfume or the Love Potion 8.5

d. Sims may not throw parties of any kind.

e. Sims may not go on scored dates. (They may still invite other Sims over for romantic interactions, but it won't be scored as a date)

f. Sims may not purchase or use the stylist's makeover chair.

g. The Diva and Mr. Big NPCs may not be moved into the house for any reason.

h. The Show Business career reward object may only be used by Sims currently on that career track.

See Adventure

i. Sims cannot select romance perks

2. Once a sim from the house rises to superstar, they unleash their show "Stylish eye for the zombie guy" on the world. The Sims of the region, seeing radiated zombies shambling around looking 10 times better than them, gain a renewed interest in appearances. The profits from the show are used to bring fresh supplies of cosmetics, hair care products and stylish clothing to the region. "Fallout wear" becomes a new trend across the country. Once Sims have bought their new threads and gotten all gussied up, they are once again confident enough to organize social gatherings and show off their new looks. Even some members of the social elite decide to return. All show business restrictions are lifted.

Q. Alien Technology

"Earthlings are seen as quite primitive. It is a culture that still thinks digital watches were a pretty nifty idea. Pathetic"

Sim City has been using alien technology for over a year, gained from the crashed remains of an alien saucer. With the labs and factories that held this technology destroyed in the blast, the alien discoveries are once again a mystery.

You do NOT have to lift this restriction in order to complete the challenge.

A Sim fulfilling this restriction can still fulfill one of the main 14.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may not purchase any aspiration reward objects.

b. If the founder brings a reward object back from college in inventory, you may use it. You must delete this object once its special ability is used up (This includes the love tub, which must be deleted when the candles go out).

2. This restriction can be lifted in one of two ways.

a. It is lifted if a Sim is abducted by aliens. The Sim abducted may be any age and of either gender. The abduction does not have to result in an alien pregnancy.

b. It is also lifted if a sim who is a "Top Secret Researcher" or "Mad Scientist" goes to work with a satellite in their inventory. This satellite must originate from the family's lot.

3. Once the alien technology is back in the family's hands, either given to them by the aliens or reverse-engineered from a crashed space craft, they can once again gain benefits from it.

R. Music

The skies are dark and packed with clouds

No more concerts, no more crowds.

All that's missing is the lead

For the land to wake and take heed

Blast Mother Nature's eardrums out

Show grandfather winter what you're about

Make the existence look and nod

To the emergence of the rock god.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims cannot use the telescope to stargaze, only to 'look through' during the daytime.

See Science

b. Sims cannot stargaze or watch clouds on the ground

c. Items may not be placed outdoors. Everything must be covered by a roof.

d. Delivered items (newspapers, bills, date/outing rewards) do not count for this restriction.

e. Sims cannot select pleasure perks.

f. Musical instruments cannot be purchased or used.

See Artist

2. With a mighty chord and a mighty roar, all of the Music restrictions are lifted

See Entertainment

S. Education

All the major school systems are in ruins. Education is all but gone from the region. All that is left is a small gathering of teachers in a safe house to teach the younger Sims the basics.

1. Restricted:

a. Teenagers may not attend school at all. Children may attend school as usual.

b. Sims may not attend college. (This restriction applies even if military is lifted)

c. Sims may not teach other Sims skills via career rewards

d. Sims may not "pass on" learned business perks to other Sims.

e. While the Education restriction is in place, any child sim that grows into a teenager must roll for their new aspiration as per the Legacy Challenge rules.

2. With your Sim rising to the top of Education, they rebuild the region's educational system, and even restore the old college back to its former glory. The education restrictions are lifted. Once you lift the Education restriction, you may once again choose your Sims's aspirations and change them as you please, provided you can use the Re-Nu-Yu sphere.

T. Adventure

There is a special energy around certain objects that gives them special properties. Objects with this energy are frequently given out as career rewards to Sims in various businesses. Ever since the apocalypse, these objects have suddenly lost this energy and have become useless. While many are baffled by this, there are a few theories. It is said that the stone of Unga-Nunga is the key to the energy that makes Career objects work so well. This stone was being held at the Sim City museum, where it powered the city's reward objects as well as slowed the EQ decay of the city's population. In the chaos of the meltdowns, somebody stole the stone.

1. Restricted:

a. Career reward objects may not be used by any Sims at all. (They may still be placed on the lot)

See Politics and Natural Science

2. Once a Sim reaches the top of the adventure career, they locate the stone's thief, the nefarious Dr. Vu. In a daring raid of Dr. Vu's lab guarded by pirates, ninjas, ninja-pirates, pirate-ninjas and chartered accountants; your Sim makes off with Dr. Vu's ill gotten gains. In addition to recovering the stone of Unga-Nunga, your Sim makes off with top secret technology Dr. Vu had hidden the base. The Adventure restriction is lifted. In addition, you may choose a single aspiration reward. You may now place and use aspiration reward, even if Alien Technology is not yet lifted. This can only be done once, by the first Sim reaching the top of Adventure.

U. Gamer

There are some structures that are built so secure, even a nuclear blast cannot damage them. Presidential fallout shelters, bank vaults... and MMO servers. The servers to a widely popular MMO were located in the region and of course survived the fallout without a scratch. The servers even have their own power supply. The problem is, the region's broadband connectivity was destroyed during the blast. While the region may be in ruins, the rest of the country is fine. The MMO's popularity is so big, that people resort to using dial-up connections to play their favorite game. The result is that the region's phone system is locked up and unusable, as connections to the servers flood the phone systems. The only time this eases up is during the Server's weekly downtime.

1. Restricted:

a. Sims cannot use the phone for any reason other than quitting their job.

b. Sims cannot use the computer for anything other than "write novel" or "write term paper", even if the science restriction is unlocked.

c. These restrictions are temporarily suppressed between the hours of midnight and noon every Tuesday.

d. Sims are still allowed to answer phone calls that come to the house.

2. Your Sim has a brilliant two part plan, upon reaching the top of Gamer; they create their own MMO, and base the servers out of the region. The second part is they master the current MMO, and PK every single player on the servers constantly. People get so fed up and frustrated with the current MMO, they go looking for a new one to play. Your Sim's new MMO becomes all the rage. The server load that once tied up the phones is now gone. The Gamer restrictions are lifted.

V. Journalism

While there are many newsworthy events going on at ground zero, there are barely any news reporters to cover it. As a result, the local newspaper has become even less useful than before. While the newspaper continues to be delivered every day (The paper carriers were zombies even before the disaster) its content has become almost nothing.

1. Restricted:

a. When Sims use the paper to "Look for Job" They may only select the first of the three jobs that appears in the paper that day. The 2nd and 3rd jobs may not be taken.

b. When a Sim comes home from college, they may take jobs that were listed under their major, even if those jobs are not the first one listed in the paper or computer. This applies to the founder as well.

c. The paper may not be used at all for any other purpose other than recycling, composting or turning into a paper airplane.

d. The jobs listed on the computer are not affected by this restriction…assuming you can use a computer.

2. Once a Sim rises to the top of Journalism, they restore the local paper to its former glory, allowing what few industries left to announce their full job postings. The Journalism restriction is lifted.

W. Law

The law in the region has all but vanished. There are no checks, no balances. While the threat of lawsuits has dropped, all the GOOD things with the court systems have vanished as well. Without law in the region, even the greatest people cannot permanently restore parts of society.

1. Restricted:

a. While the Law restriction is in place, the Slacker, Politics and Law Enforcement restrictions cannot be lifted. In order to lift these restrictions, the Law restriction must be lifted first. In other words, if a Sim reaches the top of the Slacker, Politics or Law Enforcement career, it is considered officially unlocked, but none of the restrictions will actually be lifted until a Sim has unlocked Law.

b. Sims may not get married (although they can get engaged)

If you wish to maintain a family name, you will have to have a matriarchy (all female heirs) until this restriction is lifted.

c. Sims may not buy a car, they can only fix up a junker.

The junker car is not subject to protection payments to Joey "the Comb"

2. With the code of laws restored to the region, the foundation is once again set for other parts of society to be restored. The Law restrictions are lifted.

X. Architecture

1. Restricted:

a. You may not build the house higher than one level.

Still either on stilts or on a foundation.

b. You may put a flat roof on the house and cover with a tarp to use as storage for unusable items, such as when a Sim moves in with restricted items in their inventory. You may also place career rewards here.

Note: be sure to leave yourself space for a staircase in case Architecture gets lifted before Athletic.

c. You must build your house the first day the founder is on the lot. After the first day, you may not alter the structure at all.

One exception: you may add and remove the room dividers (under fencing) as you like.

d. You cannot put in any windows

e. Only Sims in the Architecture career may use the Drafting Table

See Adventure

Y. Dance

1. Restricted:

a. Sims may not do yoga

b. Sims may not do any of the three vacation "dances" (hula, slap dance, tai chi)

c. The ballet barre may not be purchased or used.

See Athletic

d. Sims cannot dance at all, either with the radio or with a partner.

e. Sims cannot "bust-a-move"

f. No stereos of any size may be purchased or used.

See Science

g. Only Sims in the Dance career may use the Better Barre

See Adventure

Z. Entertainment

1. Restricted:

a. No karaoke or free-styling

b. No televisions

See Science

c. Children can only use the charisma bunny for fun. They may not have or use the toy box, teddy bears, doll house or any other toy.

d. No items from the "Parties" tab may be purchased or used

e. May not place the Personal Fame Star until this restriction is lifted. Once lifted, Sims may only have and place one.

See Adventure

f. Sims may not have "Outings", casual or scored.

g. Sims cannot select popularity perks

AA. Intelligence

1. Restricted:

a. Sims cannot select a secondary aspiration.

b. Must say 'No' when a person you invited over asks to bring a friend.

c. Must say 'No' to any job offers from social townies.

d. Must say 'No' to any blind date offers from social townies, even if Show Business is lifted.

e. No sending emails or chatting online or blogging.

See Science

f. Sims may not go to any hobby lots, however, once this restriction is lifted your Sims may go to hobby lots even if Military is still restricted. Must go by car and Teens and Elders still need to adhere to the Law Enforcement restriction.

Note: Similar to vacation locations, hobby lots are free from all restrictions, but no items still under restrictions can be taken back to the main lot.

g. Sims may not hire any service Sims who enter the house (maid, butler, repairman, exterminator, headmaster, etc.)

See Business

h. Only Sims in the Intelligence career may use the Audio Augmenter

See Adventure

AB. Oceanography

1. Restricted:

a. When you move the apocalypse founder into their home after college, change the weather on the neighborhood screen to Winter/Winter/Winter/Winter.

b. May not use the water tool from the landscaping menu

c. No fountains may be purchased or placed

See Politics, Music

d. Sims cannot use the weather control aspiration reward, even if one was brought back from college.

e. No fishing of any kind

f. No fish tanks may be purchased

g. You may not place the Koi pond

See Adventure and Politics

h. While the Oceanography restriction is in place, the Natural Science restrictions cannot be lifted. In order to lift these restrictions, the Oceanography restriction must be lifted first. In other words, if a Sim reaches the top of the Natural Science career, it is considered officially unlocked, but none of the restrictions will actually be lifted until a Sim has unlocked Oceanography.

AC. PETS - Service Animal

The combination of stress of living in fallout with the lingering radiation in the air has had a terrible effect on the minds of the elderly. Older minds decay faster and senility sets in early and badly. Surviving to elder hood in this new world is both a blessing and a curse.

1. Restricted:

a. Once any Sim turns elder, you may no longer issue any direct commands to them, nor cancel any of their actions. You may still cancel actions that would otherwise break another restriction (such as playing computer games). You may also direct an elder to quit their job if they happen to miss a day of work with the slacker restriction still in effect.

2. Once a pet reaches the top of the service career, they help the house's elderly. Interacting with a trained service animal heals the mental and emotional damage done to the minds of the elders. They are slowly helped out of their cloud of senility and brought back to reality by their furry friends. The service restriction is lifted.

AD. PETS - Animal Show Business

Life in a desolate world is harsh to Sims of all ages. Younger Sims find the new world they are growing up in not only scary, but mind numbingly boring as well. With no entertainment for kids and teenagers, concentrating on work is very difficultlt.

1. Restricted:

a. Children and teenagers may not "Learn to do homework"

b. Children and teenagers may not skill build with objects that do not also raise fun.

2. Once a family pet raises to the top of the animal show biz career, they provide some much needed entertainment to the house's youngsters. With their minds finally stimulated, they can finally focus on school work and learning. Animal show Biz restrictions are lifted

AE. PETS - Security Animal

Zombies, Mobsters, Anarchists, Burglars… there is a lot out there that can get you. Even if these threats don't directly harm Sims, the fear of them does. A thick blanket of paranoia has spread over the region. Sleep does not come easy to a fearful mind, and the idea of these 'bad guys' out to get Sims is enough to keep most awake at night.

1. Restricted:

a. Sim may not sleep in a bed or on a couch with an energy rating higher than 3. It is not that there are no comfy beds available, but that a sim's paranoia interferes with getting a good night's sleep. Beds, chairs and couches with energy ratings higher than 3 may still be bought and used, except for sleeping.

b. To help comply with this restriction, you may sell and replace any beds with one of a different energy rating. The new bed must be the same size as the old one, and in the exact same position.

c. If the Law Enforcement restriction is lifted, the energy limit raises to 5 or lower, as Sims start to sleep a little bit better at night with the human police intact. To truly be rid of their paranoia and have a good nights sleep a Sim needs…

d. Infant and toddler Sims may still sleep in cribs; they are too young to know paranoia.

e. Werewolf, Vampire, zombie and Alien Sims can ignore this restriction, as they know intruders will be more afraid of them, than them of the of the intruders.

f. Sims with a 10 body may ignore this restriction, as they know they can pummel any threats that may invade the house.

2. A top level security pet will help paranoid Sims sleep soundly at night. The Service Animal restrictions are lifted.

AF. Vacation Rules:

Why go on vacation?

While Sims are on vacation, all of the outstanding restrictions are temporarily suspended. The core rules still must be followed. You may pick any vacation perks upon your Sims' return to the region. This can give you, the player, a much needed vacation from having to obey all the outstanding restrictions, and the perks can help your Sims climb the career ladder faster when they come home.

1. In order to go on vacation, you need to have the military, science and music restrictions lifted.

a. Military to clear the zombies from the roads to the airport

b. Science to get the airport up and running again

c. Music to calm the weather down enough to permit flight.

2. If the Slacker restriction is in place, any Sim with a job must quit that job before going on vacation.

(The businesses make vacations against company policy until labor regulations are restored)

3. In order to go on a tropical vacation, you need to have the adventure restriction unlocked

(To recover the charts and flight plans to the remote islands)

4. In order to go on a mountain vacation, you need the Athletic restriction lifted

(So Sims have the fortitude to function in the thinner mountain air)

5. In order to have a far away land vacation, you need the politics restriction lifted

(To remove the red tape preventing Sims from leaving the country)

6. If you wish to purchase and use a vacation house, the Business & Law restrictions must be lifted

(To restore the real estate network and properly record the family as the owners)

7. You also need the Business and Intelligence restrictions lifted if you wish to hire a nanny to house-sit any infants, toddlers or pets.

AG. Witches

If you get the ability to make your Sims into witches you may do so. Generally speaking, a Sim witch who gains the ability (skill level/alignment/reagents) to perform any spell or make any potion is free to do so as long as they do not need to break another restriction to accomplish it. The list below details each spell and the restriction lifts required to be able to cast the spell. Most are affected by Athletic and/or Life of Crime due to the number of reagents required in inventory. It's not easy, especially in the apocalypse, to get a Sim witch to the necessary skill levels for these spells, so my feeling is if you've accomplished it you should be able to take advantage of it if you want.

1. Good Spells

a. Expello Mortis (Banish Death)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

b. Mactoamicus (Make Friendly with...)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

c. Benemoodus Populus (Good Mood for all on lot)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

d. Appello Servantus

(1) Hopelessness

(2) Athletic

(3) Life of Crime

e. Compello Acceptus (Compel to Accept Socials)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

f. Beautificus Locus (Beautify Lot)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

g. Remedis Simae (Cure Sim of Illness)

(1) None

h. Exflammo (Extinguish Fire)

(1) Life of Crime

i. Creatum Insecto Volucris (Create Butterflies/Fireflies)

(1) Life of Crime

j. Benemoodus Simae (Good Mood for One Sim)

(1) Life of Crime

2. Neutral Spells

a. Cleanius Corpus (Clean Body)

(1) Life of Crime

b. Aqua Deletus (Remove All Puddles)

(1) None

c. Folium Deletus (Remove all Leaf Piles)

(1) None

d. Corpus Athleticus (Fit Body)

(1) Life of Crime

e. Corpus Fleshicus (Unfit Body)

(1) Life of Crime

f. Magivestigium (Teleport)

(1) None

g. Expello Simae (Banish Sim)

(1) None

h. Creatum Nutrimens

(1) Life of Crime

i. Appello Cattus Amicus (Summon Spectral Cat)

(1) Hopelessness

(2) Athletic

(3) Life of Crime

j. Purgomagus (Purge Magical Effect)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

k. Appello Simae (Summon Sim)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

l. Magus Mutatio (Magical Transformation)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

m. Tempus Interruptus (Freeze Time)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

3. Evil Spells

a. Spiritus Poultria (Spirit of the Chicken)

(1) Life of Crime

b. Mellifera Attackum (Bee Attack)

(1) Life of Crime

c. Inflammo (Start Fire)

(1) Life of Crime

d. Heavus-Ho (Make Sim Vomit)

(1) None

e. Corruptus Locus (Sully Lot)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

f. Compello Discrepo

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

g. Servantus Attackum (Spectral Assistant Attack)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

h. Tabula Rasa (Amnesia)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

i. Extractum Amorus (Remove Love)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

j. Vivificus Zombiae (Raise Zombie of...)

(1) Athletic

(2) Life of Crime

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